Baoyin Special Steel Tube Company Limited (hereinafter referred as “Baoyin”) was formally named Yixing City Precision Steel Tube Factory whichwas founded in Year 1991. Baoyin is jointly invested by BaoWu Group, ChinaGuangdong Nuclear Power, China Huaneng Group and Yinhuan Group in 2014. The current registered capital is 819 million yuan, in which BaoWu holds 31%, Yinhuan holds 30%, CGNPC holds23.32%, Huaneng holds 10% and the rest 5.68% is held by another shareholder. Byundertaking several National Major Scientific Research & IndustrialRealization Projects, Baoyin produced key tubes for commercial application inChinese energy sectors, including Coal-power, Nuclear-power,Petrochemical, Aerospace,Rail-transportation and Special Industry, which replaced imported tubes inabove sectors.became theDemonstrative Company with capability of producing high-end tubes for NationalMajor Scientific Research & Industrial Realization Projects, and enjoy highreputation as the leader of National Major Equipments Production Base in China.
During last 20 more years, Baoyin has set up its strategic developmenttarget of “aiming at high-end market, produce high-level product and servehigh-class customers”, and takes the national liability as its own corporategoal through its self-driver in innovative technology, which breaks the monopolyby foreign companies in the world, and wins the speaking power andinternational position for whole China.Up to date, Baoyin has taken theresearching and production responsibilities in finishing 4 National Major IndustrialProjects and successfully developed 20+ new tube products which replaced theprevious importing from abroad. Also, Baoyin has participated in severalProvincial Major Industrial Projects in Jiangsu Province. Baoyin obtained theProduction Permit of Grade I, II, III Pipes for Civil Nuclear Power Plants byNational Nuclear Safety Bureau and won ASME Certificate. In addition, Baoyinalso obtained 44 patents and 15 know-hows, and drafted 6 National Productionand Manufacturing Standards and 5 Industrial Professional Production andManufacturing Standards, in which 5 of them reached the international topstandards and became defined National Standards and Chinese Famous Brand. Withits constant pursuing in technological innovation during tube production,Baoyin was granted First Prize of China Machinery Industry Science andTechnology Award, Second Prize of National Science and Technology ProgressAward, First Prize of Shanghai Technology Development Award, Golden Prize ofthe 2nd China Military-Civil Technology Innovation and ApplicationCompetition, Excellent Winner of Industry-Academia-Research CooperativeInnovative Achievement in China, top 10 Innovative Leader of Chinese Energy EquipmentManufacture Company, Leading Company of Chinese Key Energy ComponentManufactory Company in China. Baoyin has become the demonstrative company ofNational Science Technology Industrial Realization Base and China MajorEquipment Key Material Localization Production Centre.
Baoyin insists the development mode of combining technologyinnovation with industry integration, holding the enlarging of national nuclearstrength and military capability improvement as its own company obligation,takes the leading role of military-civil application and makes hugecontribution in the national defense and national strategic safety for China.